Food Waste for thought- Melbourne 20th Nov 2017

Annabel Crabb as the MC for the launch of the National Food Waste summit in Melbourne provided some wit as well as real engagement about facilitating potential solutions for industry, government, research and organisations.

Dylan Gower presented the CLEAN Cowra initiative , alongside City of Melbourne in a session called " Harvesting Food Waste" highlighting the issue of Food waste in a regional context , more specifically "food loss”.  Two of the aspects explored how, prior to produce being delivered to market, significant  percentage or volumes of food loss and secondly the specification by the buyers for supermarket chains has in affecting this impact.  Also emphasised was the lost revenue due to costs of inputs to produce food , specifically water, energy, fuel and fertilisers, which could vary from $ 250 up to  $1300 per tonne. If these input values are not captured, this impacts on the costs of production and in turn, the cost of food to the consumer.

The opening address to the plenary session by Associate Professor Bernadette McCabe from the National Centre of Engineering in Agriculture,  USQ and International Energy Agency Bioenergy Task 37 Group, provided a clear illustration in overviewing the opportunity for the utilisation of anaerobic digestion and the potential for circular economic outcomes in its implementation in the management of food waste. 

Deputy Secretary Dean Knudson provided the summation address of the Summit and there was an opportunity to emphasise the benefits of Bioenergy solutions in dealing with food waste but also how it could be contributory to the larger energy sector.  

Anaerobic Digestion is so AD!! 

