Completion of CLEAN "ABC" trial

During the middle of last week, CLEAN Cowra Inc and Cowra Council successfully hosted a launch for the Aggregated Biomass Co-digestion trial.

The launch of the "ABC" trial had a good turnout with a diverse representation from industry and the community.  Those in attendance provided probing questions which was a good indicator of the level of engagement.

As the presentation indicated, you need to "learn your ABC" of the make-up of the biomass resource before further developing a project, and the purpose of this trial was to demonstrate exactly that. Also the significant opportunity arising around collaboration, in order to achieve a project outcome at scale.

The demonstration also provided a platform for Council engagement about the opportunities for council infrastructure and CLEAN Cowra will continue the discussion with Mayor Bill West and Council's management on how this could be achieved.

CLEAN Cowra would like to thank David Halliday of Active Research for his expertise and input during the week. Also Nick Bainton who supported CLEAN Cowra and contributed to developing the "recipe" for the co-digested feedstocks, as well as the huge task of preparing and drying the samples to be sent off to three different locations for analysis. 

Both were also guest speakers at "Science in the Pub" which was a great opportunity to learn more about Biomass as a resource and the benefits to industry and agriculture.

We anticipate the results from the different forms of analysis will be completed within an fortnight and a report describing the outcomes will be presented in April shortly after the analysis has been compiled.